Tuesday, June 08, 2010

soal persistek (UAS) tahun lalu

ne soal persistek tahun lalu,, kali aja soalny ada yg diambil dari sini..
belajar ya :)

1. what was the purpose of the east german annual plan?
2. what are some of the problems confronting german reunification?
3. what is the role of the state budget in the soviet economy?
4. what is perestroika and how has it been implementedby gorbachev?
5. distinguish between gosplan and gossnab!
6. what is glasnost? how has it worked?
7. what are some of the problems involved in introducing a free market economy in poland and hungary?
8. what is comecon?
9. compare the roles of economic planning in yugoslavia and the soviet union!
10. what is the role of the commune in the yugoslav economic and political systems?
11. chinese economic policy between 1949... and the present has oscillated between economic rationality and idealistic extrimism. discuss!
12. what was the goal of the cultural revolution?
13. what is the current status of economic reforms in china?
bagian II, soal individual.

tiap mahasiswa telah memperoleh tugas mengkaji perekonomian suatu negara ditinjau dari sudut pandang perbandingan sistem ekonomi. coba saudara paparkan secara singkat, padat, tapi bersifat substansial dan menyeluruh tentang perekonomian negara tersebut. dari situ lantas coba simpulkan kenapa ...negara tersebut menerapkan sistem ekonomi tertentu. jawaban anda, maksimal dua halaman saja.

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