Wednesday, March 02, 2011


maybe i rarely using english language in my blog. i think imporant to make article or whatever , i should using english language, why? because i wanna perfect my english. i should make my english better. and i have an idea how the way. i must writing article using english language. and the problem arise in my mind , what article should i write. annnnnnnnndddddddddd.... the idea was appear ! i think it should be nice to writing the useful something to other. i choose to writing about "hOW TO SAVE oUR tHE WorLd" . "so.... im so sorry because i really have bad english"

:::let's start :::
do you feel our earth increasingly hot? this is global warming, what should we do ? we can do anything, no matter how small your action to save this world, because no action is too small. just make small change in your life, be different, and stop global warming.

1. consume organic food

consume the organic food ,it's not only good for your body but also save our earth too. why ? because these all don't use chemical that pollute water supply and oil.

2. Plant a tree
tree suck up dioxide and make clean air for us breathe.besides, their root can hold the soil to avoid landslides. so let's plant more and take care of them.

3. air dry your cloth
maybe many of us use the laundry service, and using dryer. instead of using the dryer, line dry your clothes, especially in the dry season when the sun shine brightly. make good use of the biggest source of energy we have. it's Free and it help reduce carbon dioxide.

4. Use paper Efficiently
honestly, my own self always waste paper when I print my coursework. until right now, of course me and us make sure use it effecienly.
for information, it take 24 tree for produce one ton uncoated virgin(non-recycle) printing and office paper. really a lot ,huh??????
ever thought of how long it take for a tree to grow?????

5. bring your own bag to shop.
maybe between us think to bring own bag everywhere when go to shop is freak action. i think it's so useful to save our energy. did you know , it's take 10-20 years to decompose plastic bag. so reducing the use plastic bag and using your cloth or recycling tote bags instead could be nice and wise choise.

6. turn off electronic device.
sometime instead we are watching tv, but tv is watching us. please turn off your tv when not in use, the same goes for computer,radio,and the lamp. the advantage of turn off the lamp when you sleep, it can prevent cancer. and for you know, the more we use electricity , the more contribute to the CO2 emission that's produce by the power plant.and this is major cause of global warming.

how long does it take to decompose ???? :
paper : 2,5 month
orange peel (kulit jeruk) : 6 month
milk carton : 5 years
cigarette butt : 10-20 year
plastic bag : 10-20 years
disposable diaper : 75 years
Tin can (kaleng) : 100 years
glass can : 200-500 years
styrofoam : never(immortal)
[source : the new york time]
can you imagine, how long time it take decomposing.. maybe these all life longly than us.
source : the net and any source
picture : shuterstock

1 comment:

gans said...

Well, you have a good choice to make universal language in your blog.. keep posting and you can give more better than it.. cheers !! ^_^
